WinHlp32.exe - Vista/Server2K8/XP versions not working.  Can't get any Help!
I recently ran a program that uses Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe) for its Help files. I received the "Can't find the Windows Help .EXE file", and went to download the WinHlp32.exe for Vista/Server 2008. I downloaded the Server 2008 version first, but got an error: "This update is not applicable to your computer." when I tried to run it to install Help. I then tried the Vista version and got the same error. Then I tried copying the XP version of WinHlp32.exe found in C:\Windows\System32 (on XP) to the C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folders (in Windows 7 - I have UAC off to avoid problems with copying files in C:\Windows and C:\Program Files). I restarted, and still had the error that the Help .EXE file could not be found (even though it was in the same place it was in XP). I then tried to install the 32-bit version for Server 2008 (I'd tried the 64-bit ones before since I'm running Win7 x64), but it also said it was not applicable.The downloads for the Help file did not give me an option to set Compatibility Mode, so I could not try tricking them into running that way. What it looks like is that there is no way to use Windows Help files as Windows 7 currently is. This would seem to be a somewhat major compatibility issue. I'd much like to be able to use Help again - even if my applications work (better than in XP, sometimes), I'd rather use XP and be able to get Help on them.Normally I'd submit this to Send Feedback, but notification of a solution would be nice.
February 5th, 2009 2:36am

You are absoulty right. Since the file is a .msu that opens with the Microsoft Update Standalone Installer (wusa.exe), you cant directly set any compatibility optionswhich actually makes sense since you would not want to apply an update from the wrong OS. Also, you cant set any compatibility options for c:\windows\system32\wusa.exe or c:\windows\syswow64\wusa.exe. All I can say for now is to wait until the update is released for the RTM Windows 7. See image below. However, what probably can doif you have a Vista System availableis to apply Windows6.0-KB917607-x64.msu to a Windows Vista x64 machine and copy the files manually to a temp folder such as c:\temp\windowshelp32 and then append that folder location to your PATH statement. I am on the road and I dont have a Vista machine available to test as I have Windows 7 x64loaded to my primary travel laptopwith great success if I may add.
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February 5th, 2009 4:40am

Hi, Currently we have not released KB917607 for Windows 7 beta. As your discovery, the update for Windows Vista cannot be installed and the program from Windows XP is not compatible. In this situation we are not able to open help files with WinHlp32.exe in Windows 7 beta system. Arthur Xie - MSFT
February 6th, 2009 8:30am

Thanks for the responses! I'm glad to know I wasn't just overlooking something here. So long as there's an eventual update I'll be happy - I'd be keeping XP on my laptop at least until the the actual release of Windows 7 anyways.Unfortunately I don't have access to a Vista-based system, although one of my friends does have 32-bit Vista and I could install 32-bit Vista on a virtual machine in a few weeks (I won't have access to my Vista CD until then). I'll update this if/when I test the 32-bit Vista WinHlp32.exe on Windows 7.In the mean time, I did manage to find a freeware program that opens .hlp files. It's Help Explorer for Windows 3.0, which, despite the unfortunate dangling modifier, is not for Windows 3.0. It does work to view .hlp files in Windows 7, but unfortunately I can't seem to get it to be the default Help viewer. To actually view the files, I have to start Help Explorer 3.0, and then open the Help file I want to open from within Help Explorer (opening the Help file within a program from its Help menu, or from Windows Explorer, doesn't work, even when I put Help Explorer's execuatble in C:\Windows\System32 as winhlp32.exe). The view isn't as good as Microsoft's, either, but it works well enough. And it does keep a recently opened files list, helping with the opening from within Help Explorer inconvenience. So it's adequate. Not good enough that I wouldn't much prefer the Microsoft version, though!
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February 6th, 2009 11:04am

Windows Help Program (WinHlp32) installer for Windows 7 x64 and Windows 7 x86by Komeil Bahmanpour:Blog entryDirect download linkWinHlp32.exe installers for Windows 7 / Windows 2008 / Windows VistaThe installer is a batch (CMD) file, which does the job of winhlp32.exe/winhlp32.exe.mui replacement and fixing Registry entries.
June 14th, 2009 10:27pm

hi I have windows vista premium i am not sure whats happening or why I cant download this update, I just got past an update boot loop error with an office update that had my pc down 3 days and made many registry errors etc... but I thought I had everything fixed except two programs I cant install cause of registry permission errors but when I try this update it says its not for my system, so I tried windows 7 and windows vista 64bit just to check, I redownloaded the program 4 times and it says its not for my system, I have automatic windows update disabled(not the service) from the control panel, going to keep it like that for a week or so till I know everything is running ok before I try another windows automatic update or if it trys to install that excel update that screwed my system up again, but I would like to install this update, I even tried it from your link above and the microsoft download page, not sure what other service or setting would cause this problem. cmd.exe winver shows windows vista premium version 6.0(build 6002 service pack 2)
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March 22nd, 2010 1:19am

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